Thursday, July 5, 2007

strangest keyboards ever

Roll-up keyboard

The wrist keyboard

Maltron 3D Ergonomic Keyboard

The SafeType keyboard

Virtual Laser Keyboard

The frogpad

The Twiddler 2

The Orbitouch

The Datahand

The Tidy Tippist

strangest computer mice i have found

Honorable Mention - Wowpen

Honorable Mention - Sony VN-CX1 Mouse Phone

Zero Tension Mouse

Soap - The Mid-Air Mouse

Mario Bros Computer Mice

Mus2 Cursor Mouse

The Minty Optical Mouse

NES Controller Optical Mouse

AMG Helmet Optical Mouse

Powerglove Mouse

Foot Mouse

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Space Diving Could be the Future for Astronauts and Extreme Dare-Devils

Does the idea of leaping out of a spaceship with just a specially-adapted spacesuit and parachute thrill you? Thanks to a group of space scientists, the day you find yourself awaiting the order to jump 120,000 feet above earth could be closer than you think. And it's not just an idea for extreme sports fans, as the two men behind the idea reckon that Space Diving could be used as a safety function for astronauts whose ship has malfunctioned.
read the rest of the story

Saturday, June 23, 2007

top 5 worlds most expensive cellphone that only rich people can buy

1.the diamond crypto smartphone
price tag: 1.3million USD

price tag: 1milllion USD

3.swedish smartphone
price tag $300,000 USD

price tag:$75,000 USD

price tag:more than 10 thousand USD


Friday, June 22, 2007

a real jetpack

Jetpack International have just announced and made available for preorder a true JET pack. The company already has a vast experience with
H2O2 jetpacks and has two models for sale.

Hydrogen peroxide packs are basically rocket backpacks. They have two main disadvantages: the fuel is dangerous and extremely pricey, and their flight time is very short (measured in seconds). With a jet engined pack, you’ll get far longer airtime, and you only need cheap and widely available jet fuel.

read the rest of the story

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

surfboard usb flash drive

usb surfboard 2gb
has compatibility with windows and mac operating system ,except for win98 which requires driver.

what do you think if you find this surfboard type gadget?

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Dialogue to present 8.9-inch HSDPA notebook ‘V5’

people can now access wireless internet through (3.5G) by simply inserting sim card
WXGA(1024 x 600) 8.9-inch LCD, Intel Core Duo ULV 1.06 GHz, 1GB RAM, 40GB HDD, and it comes with Windows Vista, also an integrated 1.3 MegaPixels camera, Bluetooth 2.0 and TV out.


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